Adrian Wolny
Position: PhD
City: Heidelberg
Email: adrian.wolny(at)
Adrian Wolny is a PhD student at Heidelberg University, developing machine learning methods to solve computer vision problems applied to bioimage analysis. Previously: software engineer and data scientist with 8 years of professional experience.
Alexandra Zakieva
Position: Alumni (PhD)
Laboratory: Greb
City: Heidelberg
Email: alexandra.zakieva(at)
Alexandra Zakieva is a PhD student at Heidelberg University. Previously she studied biology in Strasbourg University, France
Alexis Maizel
Position: PI
Laboratory: Maizel
City: Heidelberg
Email: alexis.maizel(at)
Alexis obtained his PhD in 2002 from the René Descartes University and Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris (France). After a post-doc in San Diego (Salk Institute, USA) and in Tübingen (Max Planck Institute for developmental Biology, Germany), he was appointed in 2006 as CNRS staff scientist at the CNRS in Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Since 2010 he is at the Center for Organismal Studies of the Heidelberg University, first as an independent group leader and now as a professor.
Angela Hay
Position: PI
Laboratory: Hay
City: Cologne
Email: hay(at)
Anna Kreshuk
Position: associated PI
Laboratory: Kreshuk
City: Heidelberg
Email: anna.kreshuk(at)
Athul Vijayan
Position: Postdoc
Laboratory: Tsiantis
City: Cologne
Email: avijayan[a]
Béatrice Berthet
Position: Alumni (PhD)
Laboratory: Maizel
City: Heidelberg
Christian Wenzl
Position: Postdoc
Laboratory: Lohmann
City: Heidelberg
Email: christian.wenzl(at)
David Wilson
Position: Alumni (Postdoc)
Laboratory: Tsiantis
City: Cologne
Email: dwilson(at)
Fred Hamprecht
Position: PI
Laboratory: Hamprecht
City: Heidelberg
Email: fred.hamprecht(at)
Gabriella Mosca
Position: Postdoc
Laboratory: Tsiantis/Hay/Alim
City: Cologne
Dr Mosca is interested in the role of mechanics in developmental processes, how mechanics affects emerging shape, its feedback on cell wall properties and genetic signaling. To pursue her research focus she develops and uses computational tools based on continuum mechanics and FEM (
Hermine Mohring
Position: Administration
City: Heidelberg
Email: hermine.mohring(at)
Jan Lohmann
Position: PI
Laboratory: Lohmann
City: Heidelberg
Email: jan.lohmann(at)
Jazmin Reyes
Position: Postdoc
Laboratory: Maizel
City: Heidelberg
Email: jazmin.reyes(at)
Joao Ramos
Position: Alumni (PhD)
Laboratory: Alim
City: Munich
Email: joao.ramos(at)
Karen Alim
Position: PI
Laboratory: Alim
City: Munich
Email: karen.alim(at)
Karen Alim studied physics in Karlsruhe, Manchester and Munich. During her PhD with Erwin Frey at the LMU in Munich and as a grad fellow at the KITP in Santa Barbara, United States, she investigated patterning mechanisms during leaf development. After her doctoral degree in 2010 she joined Michael P. Brenner’s group at Harvard University where she focused on the adaptation dynamics of the network-like forager Physarum polycephalum. Since 2015 she is an independent group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization. In 2019 Prof. Alim was appointed to the Physics Department of the TUM.
Kay Schneitz
Position: PI
Laboratory: Schneitz
City: Munich
Email: kay.schneitz(at)
Lorenzo Cerrone
Position: PhD
Laboratory: Hamprecht
City: Heidelberg
Email: lorenzo.cerrone(at)
Marcel Piepers
Position: PhD
Laboratory: Maizel
City: Heidelberg
Email: marcel.pieper(at)
Marcel is coming from Wageningen (Netherland) where he obtained his Master degree. He worked with Sacco de Vries and with the Maizel Lab for his thesis. Beyond plant development and imaging his interests lay in music and graphic design.
Mathias Höfler
Position: PhD Student
Laboratory: Alim
City: Munich
Miltos Tsiantis
Position: PI
Laboratory: Tsiantis
City: Cologne
Email: tsiantis(at)
Qin Yu
Position: PhD
Laboratory: Kreshuk
City: Heidelberg
Email: qin.yu(at)
Qin Yu is a PhD student at EMBL Heidelberg and Heidelberg University, developing machine learning methods to solve computer vision problems applied to bioimage analysis. Previously he read mathematics, computer science and bioinformatics at University College and Imperial College in London, England.
Ratula Ray
Position: PhD
Laboratory: Schneitz
City: Munich
Email: ratula.ray(at)
Richard Smith
Position: PI
Laboratory: Smith
City: Cologne
Email: smith(at)
Ryan Eng
Position: Postdoc
Laboratory: Hay
City: Cologne
Email: reng(at)
Sören Strauss
Position: Postdoc
Laboratory: Smith
City: Cologne
Email: strauss(at)
Tejasvinee Mody
Position: PhD
Laboratory: Schneitz
City: Munich
Email: t.mody(at)
Theresa Schlamp
Position: PostDoc
Laboratory: Greb
City: Heidelberg
Email: theresa.schlamp(at)
Thomas Greb
Position: PI
Laboratory: Greb
City: Heidelberg
Email: thomas.greb(at)
Xiaomin Liu
Position: PhD
Laboratory: Greb
City: Heidelberg
Email: xiaomin.liu(at)
Ziliang Hu
Position: PhD
Laboratory: Tsiantis
City: Cologne
Email: hu(at)